Isles of the Dead The Heart is Another Country Atlantis The Creation Old Europe Winterreise Everywhere and Forever I can see you but I can't hear you Irnen Standing by Water The Broken Love of Doctor Brown Hieronymus Bosch Takes Tea The Raft Ends of the Earth Catroptomancy The Ice at Europe's Heart
julian rowe
julian rowe
visual artist
visual artist
… gallery (click on an image to visit the project)
NUDE - Fox Yard Studio, 6 Old Fox Yard, Stowmarket IP14 1AB. April 12-25 2024
current and forthcoming events
Swanley Omnibus, Swanley Library, Kent Alauda, Charing Library, Kent
public art
Kent County Council Tunbridge Wells Museum University College, Chichester Works in several private collections in the UK and France
SCHOOL Gallery, Folkestone Editions of screen prints are published by The Invisible Print Studio
Capriccio, published by Chrome Green, occasionally turns up on Amazon Contributor to Andrew Kötting’s Earthworks Bookwork The Treasures of Time Lie High, vol.1, numbered limited edition published by SCHOOL Gallery
MA Fine Art (Distinction): University for the Creative Arts, Canterbury 2010 BA Humanities (1st Class Hons.): Open University 1984 Cambridge School of Art 1970
I, the Moon Dog
projects and exhibitions
I'd like to see the Governor
Wow, Bob, Wow! Centipede Catoptromania Arthur Ducklin The Old Dance of Swing The Sun Never Sets Hieronymo’s Mad Againe Le Temps des Cerises Nobody Told Me Bow-wow, the Watch-dogs Bark Breathe Jiji Of What Become Beauty and the Beast The Birth of Venus Venus in Furs Hetty van Kooten Gardens of the Hejaz Notes Towards a French Opera